
教师 Spotlight: Jennifer Miller (Producing, 数码摄影 学士)

Jennifer Miller brings commercial producing experience and a commitment to mentorship to students in her Producing class.

珍妮·米勒(Jenn Miller)坐在一面彩色的户外墙前. 她微笑着,穿着一件粉红色的衬衫,戴着一条金项链.

詹妮弗·米勒从未去过朱诺, 阿拉斯加, but she had to get familiar with the area fast when she traveled there in 2022. 作为阿拉斯加海鲜商业项目的生产者.org和公主邮轮, 詹妮弗必须处理文书工作, 运输, equipment and permits in a city with no roads leading in or out. 幸运的是, Jennifer’s extensive experience as a producer helped her create a great product for her client — and she’s bringing that experience to her classes as the instructor for the 数码摄影 本科计划的 生产过程.

詹妮弗在匹兹堡长大, Pennsylvania and became interested in stage production when she did theater in high school. She got her first taste of life on set when she was earning her bachelor’s in 电影, Video, & 媒体 from La Roche University and Pittsburgh 电影makers School: She worked as an intern on horror flick 筛选,由乔治·罗梅罗的儿子卡梅隆·罗梅罗执导. Jennifer realized she wanted to become a film teacher while she was still in school and started teaching at 满帆 as soon as she graduated. She’s been a Course Director in the 数码摄影 program since 2011.

The Producing class kicks off the 数码摄影 Project & 作品集VI经验. 学生 create a commercial campaign for a local business or nonprofit, 这与詹妮弗的职业经历吻合.

“我工作的主要领域是商业空间, so I get to bring this into my class… We’re focusing on all the different roles and responsibilities that a producer could have,詹妮弗解释道. “他们正在为这个项目推销一个概念. 他们得出去找船员. 他们在施展才华, 他们在寻找他们的地点, 寻找合适的设备, 然后我们开始预算, 我们进入日程安排. So they're kind of juggling all of these different aspects that begin in the planning stages for production and bringing them all together. 这就是生产, and they really have a firsthand experience working with these real clients in bringing that all to life.”

Jennifer has continued to pursue her own firsthand producing experiences while she’s taught at 满帆. 在2022年, she helped produce a broadcast commercial for the new Gateway center in the Kennedy Space Center Visitors Complex, 为奥兰多健康中心拍了个广告, and worked on the American Red Cross’s lifeguard training videos at SeaWorld Orlando. Jennifer also produced the Ocean Treks Conservation Connections web series episode “可持续的阿拉斯加海鲜” for Princess Cruises; the show is hosted by Jeff Corwin and is available for guests to watch in their rooms during cruises. 她与阿拉斯加海鲜的合作.Org是另一个杰出的项目.

“We were sharing the story of local commercial fishermen and their families, 以及阿拉斯加可持续捕鱼措施的重要性,她说。. “我的工作是协调这些船员, making sure we had 运输 lined up and all of our paperwork and release forms were ready to go… and coordinating with local talent getting everyone on and off the cruise ship because there are protocols [to follow].”

珍·米勒站在阿拉斯加朱诺的海滩上. 一名摄制组在她身后安装照明设备.


Jennifer tackled the unique challenges that came with filming in a remote location. 因为朱诺没有公路进出, the production had to fly in all of the project’s equipment and crew. 詹妮弗帮助组织了这个过程,并寻找了拍摄地点, 取消了在朱诺不同地区拍摄的许可, 还负责无人机拍摄的后勤工作.

“(朱诺)有很多人驾驶水上飞机, so we needed to plan out with the local port and the local docks and to make sure it was going to be safe to fly [the drone]. It was a little bit more complicated than [being] here in Orlando when we could go to a park or field area… Overall [I was responsible for] keeping everyone safe, 保证生产正常进行, and communicating with our clients and getting a great product for them. 幸运的是,我们做到了. 这很有趣.”

詹妮弗喜欢和学生们分享她的工作经验, but encouraging them to advance their own careers is just as important. 詹妮弗尤其喜欢指导崭露头角的女电影人.

“My proudest professional moment to date was receiving a letter from a former 满帆 student who I had mentored in a production capacity during a feature film we worked on together,她说. “是其中的一部分, she explained that she had never considered her future to include children because of her passion and drive for production work. 在和我一起工作了几个月之后, she came to realize that it was possible for a woman in our industry to balance a family and have a successful production career. 从这封信开始, I've paid closer attention to empowering and encouraging our rising female filmmakers, 无论他们在哪里."